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Me and my world

Face     behind ..


Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of TOYMAGINE!

I am Nia (Neha), a loving mum of 2 darling boys who are absolutely adorable and make my world go round. Based in Melbourne VIC Australia, my team consists of my 2 little boys, and their dad, who have helped me transform this vision into a lovely world of toys that I can share with all of you! 

I created Toymagine for my boys, and for your lovely kids, so that our kids can give wings to their imagination and experience the world in a beautiful way. When my boys were born, I wanted to build a collection of toys that would be safe, exciting and absolutely FUN! This how I discovered the world of Wooden Toys, which are safe to play with, environmentally sustainable and offer a big boost to curiosity and would be affordable for our pockets! I was amazed by the variety of wooden toys that are on offer and I thought to myself - "It's time to share this lovely new world with other mums and dads!" and here we are! 

Rest assured, all the products that you will find on Toymagine are curated with great love and care to give your li'l ones the best experience - which is what they deserve! As a mom, I bring to you products that are safe, fun and not easily available in the regular toy stores! So, tighten your seatbelts and enjoy the wonderful roller-coaster that is Toymagine - let me show you the world of wooden toys and it is bound to amaze you! 

Thanks for visiting and I hope I can help you find what you are looking for!   

For any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on

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